Monday, April 15, 2024

A Journey to Emmaus Part II

Jesus is Risen Alleluia

A Journey to Emmaus Part II

On the Journey to Emmaus Jesus was explained everything to the disciples which is written in the Scriptures about him.. He was preaching to them the word by word from the Scriptures how he was gone into suffering before his sacrifice on the Cross in Calvary.  

Listen again to what Isaiah says about Christ,

Lord told 'Ahaz; Listen now, House of David:

Are you not satisfied with trying human patience

That you should try my God’s patience too?

The Lord will give you a sign in any case:

It is this: the young woman is with child.

She will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.

He who is the Saviour of the world brings salvation to all nations.

You are very slow to believe, again Isaiah says: For a son has been born for us,

A son has been given to us, and dominion has been laid on his shoulders;

These are the names he has been given,

‘Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty-God, Eternal-Father, Prince-of-Peace’

To extend his dominion in boundless peace,

Over the throne of David and over his kingdom,

To make it secure and sustain it in fair judgement and integrity.

From this time onwards and forever, the jealous love of Yahweh Sabaoth will do this.

When Jesus was born, Herod wanted to kill the baby.

He killed all the new born,

All the male children in Bethlehem, two years old and below

And all of them in Judaea.

In the Book of Jeremiah, Yahweh says this: A voice is heard in Ramah,

Lamenting and weeping bitterly:

It is Rachel weeping for her children,

Refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.

Rachel from the grave lamented as she was buried in Bethlehem.

But God saved Jesus, because He is His beloved Son

who was to fulfil the Heavenly Father’s plan of Eternal Covenant and Salvation.

He was taken away by his father and mother to Egypt.

As prophesied In Hosea, Lord says this: When Israel was a child I loved him,

And I called my son out of Egypt.

The sufferings and hardships of his father and mother are indescribable.

The travel to Egypt was not within a small distance.

Joseph, his foster father, took care of him more than a real father.

When he was born, his mother and father did not even had a house to give him birth.

Again in book of Jeremiah, Lord said; In those days and at that time,

I shall make an upright Branch grow for David,

who will do what is just and upright in the country.

In those days Judah will triumph, and Israel live in safety.

And this is the name the city will be called: Yahweh-is-our-Saving-Justice.”

‘For Yahweh says this, “David will never lack a male descendant

To occupy the throne of the House of Israel,

His reign will remain forever and ever, who is he? Jesus Christ!

Haven’t you read in Psalms: 'I will proclaim the decree of Yahweh:

He said to me, ‘You are my son, today have I fathered you.

Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations as your birthright,

While the whole wide world as your possession.“

Read in the Book of Mica, Lord told about the birth of Jesus:

But you (Bethlehem) Ephrathah,

the least of the clans of Judah,

from you will come for me a future ruler of Israel

Whose origins go back to the distant past, to the days of old.

Hence Yahweh will abandon them

Only until she who is in labour gives birth,

Then those who survive of his race will be reunited to the Israelites.

Behold the price they paid for Jesus as you can read in the book of Zechariah:

'I then said to them, ‘If you see fit, give me my wages;

if not, never mind.’ So they weighed out my wages: thirty shekels

And it happened; one of his beloved disciples sold him for thirty shekels of silver.

Lord said to me, ‘Throw it to the smelter,

This princely sum at which they have valued me!’

Taking the thirty shekels of silver,

I threw them into the Temple of Yahweh, for the smelter.

Isaiah again prophesied about his passion and our salvation:

He had no form or charm to attract us, no beauty to win our hearts;

He was despised, the lowest of men, a man of sorrows,

Familiar with suffering, one from whom, as it were, we averted our gaze, despised,

For whom we had no regard.

Yet ours were the sufferings he was carrying

And struck with affliction by God;

whereas he was being wounded for our rebellions,

He was crushed because of our guilt;

The punishment reconciling us fell on him,

We have been healed by his bruises.

Lord, When we drew near to the village, to our destination,

you were about to part ways; but we pressed you to stay with us admitting that

Our hearts were burning with the love of God,

As you explained everything from Moses to the Prophets and Psalms.


Lord, you accepted our invitation join us for supper.

We brought for you the fresh bread and wine

Then you took the bread, and gave thanks,

You broke it and gave it to us, saying, ‘This is my body given for you;

Do this in remembrance of me.’

You did the same with the cup after supper, and said,

‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you.”


Lord, through the breaking of the Bread, your body,

You were breaking the word of God for us.

This opened our eyes and we could see; Jesus

Lord, forgive our sins as we are unworthy to be your disciples


Lord, our eyes were deprived of seeing you.

Our eyes were blinded by the god of this world .

Our minds were boasting that we knew everything.

But our human knowledge cannot comprehend anything about your Kingdom.


Lord, our hearts were burning within as you talked and explained scriptures to us

Lord, indeed you are risen and we believe it.

Now, we are going to Jerusalem and all over the world to tell our brothers and sisters

That we have seen you and to share what you revealed to us while breaking the Word and the Bread.


You were always with us and gave us your Living Word

By mercy and grace, Heavenly Father had chosen us

To know you Lord, and to grow in the knowledge of Christ

But we still could not believe you


During your life on earth, you offered prayer and entreaty,

You cried with loud voice and with full of tears,

To the Heavenly Father who had the power to save you from death,

You heard the call of the Father with reverence.


You have done everything in obedience.

Despite being the Son, you went through sufferings;

And through the sufferings, you were perfected,

You became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation.


Lord, you are the shepherd who willingly gave your own life for us.

When you were doing good things you didn’t show your greatness.

Even when after rising from the tomb you never showed your glory.

But you showed yourself to those who loved you abundantly.


Lord, you are the source of all the goodness.

You are sitting at the right hand of God the Father.

To intercede for us endlessly without counting our sins.

Lord, we love you, we believe you are risen Alleluia, Alleluia, Alle--Lu--iah!!!

Mohny  Mathews 

Community of Grace 


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