Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Passion of Christ


Passion of Christ Part III

Lord, Your mercy and grace is our hope, we trust in You! 

  We all will be persecuted, because we are living in Christ Jesus and we follow his narrow path and he is the way and truth. David also proclaims the persecutions of Jesus Christ. Jesus knew everything and what he has to do for the salvation of His creation, because he was the Son of God. ‘My strength is trickling away, my bones are all disjointed, and my heart has turned to wax, melting inside me. My mouth is dry as earthenware; my tongue sticks to my jaw. You lay me down in the dust of the death. A pack of dogs surrounds me; a gang of villains is closing in on me as if to hack off my hands and my feet. I can count every one of my bones, while they look on and gloat; they divide my garments among them and cast lots for clothing. Ps. 22: 14-18. As David had prophesied, Jesus was in severe anguish. He says Jesus' bones will be separated, his heart will melt like wax, and he will be fervently thirsty for souls. He would be assaulted like wolves would a prey, and he could count his bones because his body had been tainted by Roman troops' brutality. He could bear the troops' scourging and tormenting, but the most terrible part was being ignored by his own people, who mocked him, spitting on him, laughing at him, and cursing at him in harsh terms. Through this great sacrifice, he bore all of our faults and weaknesses as humans. Lord, we are sinners have mercy on us. Lord, Your mercy and grace is our hope, we trust in You! 

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