Sunday, February 11, 2024

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Mary Immaculate Conception


Our Lady of Lourdes, Immaculate Conception 

Mary My Mother 

Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, also known as Mary Immaculate Conception. Everyone thinks about the feast when it touches the hearts of Mary's dedicated servants. When we do not know Mary, we are not true Christians. Once we know Jesus and comprehend the secrets of salvation, we shall learn about Mary, the Apostles, and the communion of saints. How beautiful it will be when all the angels and saints praise God in unison, Glory to God on High. Then we'll find serenity in Him. Jesus provides peace and joy to all generations.

Our lady told Bernadette Soubirous 
“I am Immaculate”
She told Bernadette to “pray for sinners,
Kiss the earth as a sigh of penitence for sinners”

Like Jesus has born from Mary,
Lord made all should be born from her through the living and enduring Word of God 
Mary never disobey the commandments of God 
She was pondering each and every Word from His mouth 

She is the book of God’s commandments, the Law that stands for ever; 
Those who keep her shall live, those who desert her shall die. 
Lord, let us trurn back, like Jacob, seized her, in her radiance make our way to light: 
Do not yield your glory to another, your privilege to a people not your own.
Israel, blessed are we: what pleases God has been revealed to us. 

In the holy tent she ministered before him and she became established in Zion. 
In the beloved city he has given me rest, and in Jerusalem I wield my authority 
I have taken root In a privileged people, in the Lord’s property, in His inheritance.
Mother you were given all the wealth of world to glorify God's name.

Mother, your guarantee is the Most High. 
Lord in his register of peoples will note against each, ‘Born there’, 
All the princes no less than native-born; 
All the faithful make their home in you. 

Many recent generations have seen the day and peopled the earth in their turn,
The way of knowledge they have not found; 
They have not recognised the paths she treads. 
Nor have their children had any grasp of her, remaining far from her way. 
Even many Sects of Christians still not knowing her, our Mother
The Mother of our Lord, they misjudge her and blaspheming her

I asked Lord, how the churches given the name Mary were more glorious than any other churches in this world. 
My Heavenly Father has pleased in her of my birth as a wonderful mission by her. 
He has pleased in Mary as she was with me in His missions,  
In my death and in my resurrection. 
"My earthly dwelling place was my Mother; Mary's womb 
And I finished the earthly mission with her till I shed the last drop of blood. 
Her perseverance in the suffering gave me the strength to overcome all pains.”
That is why the churches; those were given her name are more glorious
Than any other temples of God, 
Because her womb was my first earthly temple;
Which God has chosen for His Trinity as a Living Ark of the Covenant".

Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, 
Jesus said to his mother, and telling ‘Woman, this is your son.’
Then to the disciple and also telling me as well he said, ‘This is your mother.’ 
How blessed are we to have Mother Mary as our own mother  

Lord, I receive her and taking her to my home forever 

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