Friday, December 8, 2023

The Light and Darkness


Jesus is the Light in Darkness


The light and Darkness(About Tongue Part I)

    The tongue was most disobedient organ in our body, which we cannot control. ‘Some one does not trip up in speech has reached perfection and is able to keep the whole body on a tight rein.’ (Jms. 3: 2) If we do not speak anything wrong we can control our body. ‘So the tongue is only a tiny part of the body, but its boasts are great. Think how small a flame can set fire to a huge forest; tongue is aflame too.’ (Jms. 3: 5) The tongue is a small part of the body and we should learn how to control the tongue. We can purify our tongue by repeating the Word of God like; ‘Lord Jesus; Son of God, I am a sinner, have mercy on me’ Matt. 16: 16, Matt. 20: 31, Luke 5:8 (NJB): Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man.’So many saints of ancient times from the East in the deserts were used this particular phrase(verses) for meditation and as a mental prayer by repeating constantly. 

  Jesus came into this world to lead us to the light, Jesus himself is the light. This is his mercy to prevent us from darkness. Whenever we we believe in Jesus not only believe in him but believe in the Father in Heaven, who have been sent him to world for our salvation. John 12:44–46 (NJB): Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in the one who sent me, 45 and whoever sees me, sees the one who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as light, to prevent anyone who believes in me from staying in the dark any more.

   God was always waiting for you and me. He had given me enough time to know Him and He forgave my sins so many times, but I was always like that pig or that dog which St. Peter is explained: ‘It would have been better for them never to have learnt the way of uprightness, than to learn it and then desert the holy commandment that was entrusted to them. What they have done is exactly as the proverb rightly says: The dog goes back to its vomit and: As soon as the sow has been washed, it wallows in the mud.’ (2Peter. 2: 21-22) Br. Victor says: ‘If you do one wrong, everything will be wrong and it continues until the death of our soul, but we should repent and come back to God.’ So we should not do anything wrong in our spiritual life. Even we do any sin we should repent and come back immediately to God wholeheartedly. We should not say anything wrong with our tongue. 

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