Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Daily Word of God


Daily Word On 20th Dec 2023

Jesus said: ‘Pick up the pieces left over, so that nothing is wasted.’ 

   John 6:10–13 (NJB): Jesus said to them, ‘Make the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass there, and as many as five thousand men sat down. 11 Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were sitting there; he then did the same with the fish, distributing as much as they wanted. 12 When they had eaten enough he said to the disciples, ‘Pick up the pieces left over, so that nothing is wasted.’ 13 So they picked them up and filled twelve large baskets with scraps left over from the meal of five barley loaves. 

  Jesus performing the miracle of bread and fish for a big throng of people who had come to hear his gracious Word of God. When Jesus noticed the enormous gathering, he felt sorry for them because they might not have eaten since the morning, so he decided to feed everyone. Another thing Jesus mentioned here is the prophesy of feeding the impoverished and destitute! He instructed the apostles not to squander any of the remaining bread and fish, but to save it for the poor and needy. He multiplied the loaves to show the apostles his generosity and care for his lambs.  This is precisely what Jesus instructed the Apostles. 

  While we were on a pilgrimage to Holy Land, while we entered inside the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and the Fishes, after reading the passage from John 6: 1-14, Fr. Eugene(One of longest served priest served in our Vicariate for more than 50 years-Gulf Region)gave a brief talk and said: People are so greedy doing their own things for themselves. So, half of humanity is starving. If we had learnt the lesson, which happened to the little boy who said, I have five loaves and two fishes with me Jesus; this is for you. This would teach others to do the same and put together what they have. But it is a personal interpretation, yes its’ a beautiful interpretation. But Jesus changes our hearts and makes others believe. We have brothers and sisters around us who need our love and help. If we accept this way God will continue to multiply the loaves and the miracle will take place for us too. Because he multiplies loaves everyday but we are too greedy and we are not ready to share what we have.’ Inside the church that rock where Jesus performed this miracle is still kept as it is. This rock is called Mensa Christi – the Table of Christ

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