Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Light and Darkness



Lord, give us strength to bear all the difficulties, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus! 

  Read and meditate the Word of God in the day and night. We should be strengthened by the Spirit of God and become like zealots of His kingdom. Once Br. Joemon told me: ‘we should become the soldiers of Christ.’ ‘Bear with your share of difficulties, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.’ (2Timo. 2: 3). So brothers and sisters, pray unceasingly to our Lord to make us the children of His Kingdom. When we find the truth we don’t need to look around to grow spiritually or seek any kind of teachings, God will teach us everything. We will be silent in nature and wait patiently to hear the voice of God, like Elijah heard the murmuring sound of God, And after the earthquake, fire, a light murmuring sound. And when Elijah heard this, he covered his face with his cloak and out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Then a voice came to him, which he said, what are you doing here, Elijah? (1King.19: 12-13). When we find the Truth and the knowledge of His kingdom, we start to get away from the crowd and withdraw ourselves from all the worldly matters. That’s why our early Church Fathers spent their life in the deserts and caves in a lonely and solitude way. They were always tried to keep the people away form them. It is in the Internal Castle, which St. Mother Teresa of Avila experienced and wrote about. Only through contemplative prayer and holiness can one soul enter into this Castle. Which God is created for each one of us? Each house may different according to our humility and holiness. We should find that; but only through the Spirit of God we will get it. If we go out from His Castle we will be separated and thrown out from His Garden, that is the darkness and there will be no light of Jesus. But those who repent and do his conversion, will come back to Him.  He will wrap us in His love and all our desires will be; only to do His will. In this particular Word of God, which   Br. Brilly gave in one of his talks: ‘Before I knew ….my desires had hurled me onto the chariots of Aminadib!’ (Song of Songs 6: 12) same way without knowing ourselves, our Lord will take us to eternity in His chariot. We cannot find it until we seek for it and thirst for it. Any failings in our life, any loss of our near and dear ones in our life, any obstacles and any other worldly matters should not discourage us in our spiritual life and the joy in Christ. We should trust in Jesus and he will guide to the real truth, which is Word of God. ‘Consecrate them in the truth; your word is truth.’ (Jon. 17: 17) When we find the truth we will not waver from our charism and our spirituality. 

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