Thursday, November 16, 2023

Th Light and Darkness



Lord, let us experience the never ending truth of eternity. 

  I remember the first time Br. Brilly and Br Joemon came to my home in India. The knowledge of the truth was lacking in my spiritual life. There was zeal in me for Jesus and his Kingdom. But it was not the true zeal for God. ‘I really testify to their fervour for God, but it is misguided.’ Rom. 10: 2. There was no discernment in my spiritual life and my ears were itching for hearing different kind of teaching. I was misguided by the different kind of spiritual teachings. I was always thinking there is something lacking in my spiritual life. What was lacking in me, was thre Word of God. ‘But once perfection comes, all imperfect things will be done away with.’ (1 Cor. 13: 10.) Actually Br. Brilly and Br. Joemon came to my house to strengthen me. I was doing everything through my own decisions and not from God’s will. I told them to come and join in our prayer meeting, which my wife and I usually go for every week. The group leaders were not showing any kind of respect to our Brothers. Even they did not introduce or invite them to speak. When we entered the prayer hall; our brothers disturbed by the evil spirits. Br. Brilly told me not to go in this prayer meeting anymore. After that I never go for any prayer meeting there. I stop going to learn anything from any spiritual persons other than our Brothers. My wife could not accept my decision for not going for any retreat any spiritual excercises other than introduced by Brothers. Later brothers has done many counselling sessions for me for more than four years to strengthen me. Then slowly Lord was showing me the way and teaching me how to grow spiritually spiritually. As Scripture says, they all will be taught by God. He will teach everything through the Spirit of God. John 6:45 (NJB): It is written in the prophets: They will all be taught by God;   everyone who has listened to the Father, and learnt from him, comes to me.

  Seeking the truth is a never-ending phenomenon in our spiritual life. Because, Jesus is the truth and he himself is a mystery hidden in God’s own Garden. The kingdom of God is like that: ‘The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes of his joy, sells everything he owns and buys the field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.’ (Matt. 13: 44-46) When we encounter with the Truth, we will feel that we don’t need anything of this world, whatever precious it will be. The more you seek Truth, the more will be revealed through His Holy Spirit. It is a never-ending process. The soul will experience the Divine Light in her. She will not wander for the desires of this mortal world. Slowly He will cleanse all her frailties and sins to unite in Him. We should have the zeal to approach Jesus with that full freedom, which our Lord has promised to us, which we will find in the Truth. We will experience the freedom ‘If you make my word your home you will indeed be my disciples; you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’ (Jon. 8: 31-32.) This is the condition which Jesus asking us to do and nothing else. The Word of God would be our home to become the disciples of Jesus. 

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