Monday, August 28, 2023

Light and Darkness


Part XII

 There are many hidden pits of darkness, which is waiting for us. St. John Climaccus says about the ladder: ‘there will be different steps of light to overcome darkness of the sins of this world, because our body and mind is always bound to hidden sins, which we do not know exactly. The demons are waiting in each steps of this winding ladder to heaven and these demons will do all their efforts to drag us and to throw us into the depth of darkness.’ (Source: The Ladder of Divine Ascent-St. John Climaccus) This is same ladder, which God has shown to Jacob our forefather: ‘He had a dream: there was a ladder, planted on the ground with its top reaching to heaven; and God’s angels were going up and down on it.’ (Gen.28: 12) We must ascend this Divine Ladder by following God’s laws and precepts. Each of these steps is difficult to climb, and the devil is waiting in each step with his demons to drag the souls and toss them into Sheol, the deep dungeon. If we are steadfast and trust in the Truth, God will show us many such heavenly gifts. We should have complete faith in God's Word. 

  The devils are quite cunning in their task to pull us into the depths of darkness, and these demon spirits are residing in our near and dear ones. In a discourse, Br. Brilly stated that "evil is working restlessly to corrupt our souls and will try to detach us from God." Even our own family members will try to separate us from the path of truth that we are on. But because they are held captive by these wicked spirits, our poor dear and near ones have no idea what they are doing. That is why, according to Jesus, ‘Anyone who comes to me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, cannot be my disciple. No one who does not carry his cross and come after me can be my disciple. (Lk. 14: 26-27) So we have to pray for them for their conversion and for their healing from all the bondages. We have to face this battle with so many evil spirits, which will be disguised as prophets and sons of light. 

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