Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Immaculate Conception Poem 37

Immaculate Conception

God's fruit of love is Jesus  His only Son
The flesh of His Son came through Mary
She is the Immaculate created by God
For the purpose of the redemption

The fruit of sin came from the forbidden tree
Eve had done the sin by disobeying her Creator
She ate the fruit from the tree of life
But she made death of her soul and of Adam

Oh God, Cross of Your Son bore was the Tree of Life
Oh Jesus, you took all our sins away
By dying on the Cross You became the Real Fruit
The eternal Fruit of Salvation, You Body and Blood

The sin came to the world through one woman
Oh Mary, your yes to the Lord, brought the King of kings
Oh Immaculate, your obedience brought the flesh for His only Son
How blessed are you, hail full of grace

The Word became flesh and blood in Mary's Virgin womb
The Son of God took flesh without the man's sin
But from the most chaste woman, Mary Immaculate
As whole universe was waiting for this moment of salvation

Oh Mary, in Lourdes you appeared to a girl, Bernadette
You told her about your Immaculate Conception
Oh Mary, you renews the world, through generations
Passing into holy souls, you makes them into God’s friends and prophets;

Oh Mary, in Gadaluppe you appeared to a boy called, Juan Diego
And you told to build a temple for God in  Mexico
You have inspired the holy soul of Juan
Deliver your message to the Bishop of the town

You have done the miracle on Juan's Tilma
You gave him the blessed flours of the wilderness
You created the art of your image on his Tilma
With an unimaginable colors, which the bishop has amazed

Oh Mary, you invite the souls in sickness to Lourdes
You invite them to Fatima for their conversion
You invite the souls to Gadaluppe to make them good families
You bring the souls to Vailankanni to bring them peace and joy

Hail Mary, full of grace, Lord is with thee
Blessed are the woman and blessed is the fruit thy womb Jesus
Holy Mary Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now and ever shall be world without end, Amen!

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