Friday, June 10, 2016

Body And Blood of Christ Poem 31

Poem - 31

Oh, most Holy Sacrament of the Holy Altar
The most Holy Body and Holy Blood
The most visible presence of God in our midst
To gather many and many to the salvation

Lord, you inspired me to love Eucharist
You revealed me your presence in Holy Host
Lord, You are the One who give me life
You are the One who console me

Lord, You are the One who gives us Your Holy Word
You are the One who gives us, our daily bread
You are the One who gives us wisdom
You are the One who gives us love

Lord, You are the One who gives us food and shelter
You are the One who comes into our midst
To keep us holy and pure, to serve God wholeheartedly
Lord, You are the One the Most Holy Covenant

Lord, you poured the blood and water from your side
Lord, You guide the sinners to repentance
Lord, your mercy poured from your heart
Still we sinners find your Holy Face

Lord, let your mercy come from the Holy Eucharist,
From all the Holy Tabernacles of the world
Lord, let Heavenly Fathers' love come from the Holy Eucharist,
From all the Holy Tabernacles of the world

Lord, my words are not enough to praise You
You are the One who leads us to the Father in Heaven
You are the One who inspires to lead a holy life
Lord, you are the humblest of the humble 

Mohny P. Community of Grace

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