Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Fire of Grace Poem 12

    Poem - 12

Oh, Mother most pure and chaste
Oh! Fire from Heaven unceasing love
Mary, you were so pure,
A living Tabernacle of everliving God

The Angel appeared to Moses in a flame
In the eternal fire of our Lord
The bush of the Ever Living God
The living Tabernacle of Eternity

She is the sign of burning bush
The Fire of eternal love
The Mother of Eternal Word
The Mother all the nations and race

Moses afraid to approach her the fire of love
God told him ‘come no nearer’
He told him repent and confess his sins
Because she is so pure and holy

Yahweh, my God of ancestors
You chose Mary to be your earthly mother
Let us approach her with pure heart and mind
To know your truth and and sublime love


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pardon Me Lord Poem 10

Poem -10

Woe to me, Lord; when I disrespect God my Father
Woe to me, Lord; when I disrespect Jesus Christ my Saviour
Woe to me, Lord; when I disrespect Mother Mary, all the angels and saints
Woe to me, Lord; when I disrespect my teachers
Woe to me, Lord; when I disrespect my mother and father
Woe to me, Lord; when I do not respect others
Woe to me, Lord; when I do not love my enemies
Woe to me, Lord; when I am going after good food
Woe to me, Lord; when I am looking for comfort
Woe to me, Lord; when I am asking for favor from others
Woe to me, Lord: when I ponder evil thoughts
Woe to me, Lord; when I judge others with no reason
Woe to me, Lord; when I neglect my duties
Woe to me, Lord; when I gossip about others
Woe to me, Lord; when I look on someone with lustful eyes
Woe to me, Lord; when I am not humble
Woe to me, Lord; when I neglect holiness
Pardon me Lord; cleanse all my sins by your precious blood!! Amen!!!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Malayalam Song No. 10

പാട്ട് 10

സ്തതികളിൽ ഉന്നതനാം കർത്താവേ
ദൈവമേ നീയെന്നും പരിശുദ്ധൻ
സ്തുതികളിൽ ഉന്നതനാം കർത്താവേ
ബലവാനാം നീ പരിശുദ്ധൻ
സ്തുതികളിൽ ഉന്നതനാം കർത്താവേ
അമർത്യനാം ദൈവമേ നീ പരിശുദ്ധൻ

ഹാ! എൻ ദൈവമേ നീ മാത്രമെൻ
സഹചരനും ആത്മ സൗഖ്യ ദായകനും
എന്നെന്നും നിൻഗേഹത്തിൽ വസിച്ചീടുവാൻ
പാപിയാം എന്നെ നീ കൈക്കൊള്ളേണേ

 ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യ, ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യ, ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യ എൻ കർത്താവിന്ന് (3)

സ്തോത്രം എന്നെന്നും എൻ ഈശോയ്ക്
സത്യസ്വരൂപനാം എൻ കർത്താവിന്ന്
നിത്യനാം ദൈവത്തിന്നാരാധന
സ്തുതികളിൽ ഉന്നതനാം ആരാധനാ...

ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യ, ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യ, ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യ എൻ കർത്താവിന്ന് (3)


Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Divine Embrace Poem 11

Poem - 11

A Divine Embrace

Oh, Most Blessed Holy Sacrament
Oh, Jesus, my sweet heart and love
Oh, meek and humble of heart
Make my heart like yours

Oh, Most Holy Name to be honoured
Jesus, my Lord, in the holy Tabernacle
Maketh yourself the humblest bread
To share your eternal glory with us

Oh Lord, sanctify my body and soul
Oh Lord, of our fathers’, who loved you endlessly
Purify my heart and open my eyes
To see your glory till the end of my days

Lord, you are the eternal grace and salvation
May you fill my heart, with your sublime love?
Oh, gentle master of my soul
I plead to you, my Lord, lighten my burden

Lord, you poured all the blessings on your people
To lead them and make them the rulers of the world
Lord, wash me with your precious Blood
Sanctify me, with hyssop till...I am clean

Lord, let my words always to praise you
All my gestures to praise you
Lord, let all my wishes to praise you
Let all creatures of seas, lands and sky praise you

Lord, my hearts’ only desire to praise you
Lord, I thank you for everything, you done for me
Let my happiness; always to be with you
Lord, give me your love and grace to sustain in you


Monday, August 20, 2012

Glorify His Holy Name Poem 09


Poem - 09

Let us together glorify our Lord God, He is the only One to be praised and worshipped. He is our Redeemer and only One Saviour and Lord!

Holy, Holy, Holy ………….God,
Send your power to strengthen us
Holy, Holy, Holy…………..Lord,
Glorify your name forevermore

You broke the fortress of the evil one,
            And you send your Angels to fight for us
            With your Holiness, you save our life,
            And send your peace and love to our daily life..... (2)

You gave your Holiness to your chosen one
You made them heir of your Holy nation
You gave them strength to face the trials
You pour on them your, Eternal Grace………… (2)


Saturday, August 18, 2012

A song of our pilgrimage to a New Jerusalem Poem 08

Poem - 8

We are the children, of Israel O’ lord
We are in your Land, of your dwelling place.
Lord, you do not forget; Jacob your servant,
Blessed be the house of David, your servant.
            Lord, teach us the way; how to serve you,
            Pour your mercy on us and save us.
            Make us understand your secrets and your covenant
            And help us to share, your inheritance.

Lord, we can do nothing; without you
You are the King, of eternal glory.
Save your servant Jacob and his flocks,
Show them the way; you like to do.

            Lord, lead us to the city, of New Jerusalem,
            Where the angels and saints are praising you unceasingly
            Let our mind and heart be fill with your joy
            When we see your glory and might, face to face 


Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Prayer from Heart . Poem 07

Poem - 07

Lord, purify my body, to glorify you
Lord, purify my soul, to unite with You
Purify my eyes, only to see You
Purify my ears, only to hear You
Purify my tongue, only to praise You
Purify my thoughts, only to think about You
Purify my feelings, only to feel You
Purify my mind, only to know You
Purify my heart, only to keep You
Purify my hands, only to do Your will
Purify my legs, only to go to Your House
Lord, make me holy, to seek only holiness!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lord Give us your Spirit Poem 06

Poem - 06

Father, send us your Spirit, to teach us the wisdom and knowledge and everything you promised us. Jn. 14: 25-26. Lord, give us the Spirit to understand your Truth Jn. 15: 26, Jn. 17: 17. Come Holy Spirit. Come to give us courage to glorify God. Come, Holy Spirit to reveal us the Truth Jn. 16: 13-15.

Father, send us your Spirit,
Send us your fire and burn us
Deliver us from every evil, Lord
Forgive us our sins to see you

           When the dawn comes we praise you
           In the morning we offer the thanksgiving
           Day and night we remember your name
           Lord, we glorify your name for ever and ever

Father, give us the Spirit of life
And let your Truth cleanse my soul
We thank you Lord, for your mercies
Day and night we lament for our sins

           Let your love pierce into our hearts
           And make our hearts whiter than snow
           Father, you offer sacrifice of your Son,
           You gave us His body and blood the eternal food.


Monday, January 2, 2012

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...