Monday, December 26, 2011

The Song of Nativity Poem 05

Poem- 05

God, your Word came into this world

To bring salvation for all humanity

Stars of the heaven twinkling with joy

The choir of the angels welcomes the Little One

Lord, you chose the lowest comfort on earth

To become the poorest of the poor

This way to make yourself, you are for all

The rich and poor would find the way of truth in you

Am I worthy to receive Him under my roof

He looked into my heart with joy

I searched Him in the midst of stars

Then I saw a star shining brighter than other stars

In the silent night and in the chilling wind

I was walking where the star guided me

 I saw the shepherds coming on my way

They all carried with best gifts they have

But I am the one carry no gifts for my Lord

Woe to me, am not having any virtues

Lord, you never ask our wealth or virtues

But, He only asks our cheerful heart


We saw our Lord of lords in a manger

Mary and Joseph the poor mother and father

The most blessed parents on earth

A unique model to bear all the suffering


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