Monday, October 1, 2018

Little Flower of God’s Holy Face Poem 34

St. Therese, of child Jesus
Oh Little Flower; of God’s own garden
Pray for us, pray for us, poor souls,
Pray for us, pray for us, poor sinners.

You saw the Face of Jesus our Lord,
In the light of His eternal glory,
When we see Him face to face,
Pray for us, to share His eternity…... (Pray for us.)

You wrote the prayers; in the heart of Jesus
Together we do the sacrifice, for the poor souls
An act of oblation we make for God,
To save the poor sinners, for Jesus…....(Pray for us.)

You prayed to Jesus; wholeheartedly,
In his Holy Heart you rest in peace.
When you walk with Jesus hand in hand
Tell my sorrows to Him graciously… (Pray for us.)

Mohny P I

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fisher Men Poem 33


  Lord sent the Angels to the devastated flood areas of Kerala
  He chose the fisher men to act as Angels of Him
  They were not called by anyone of the land
  But they listened the call of Jesus Nazarene 

  Jesus chose most of the disciples from fisher men 
  Peter, James and John were the fisher men
  They brought their boats by road and through the waters
  They sacrificed their own life by leaving their own family

  They just kept on searching the people in the flood 
  They went into the deep into the waters to find anyone alive
  They used their own boats which was their only livelihood
  But their faith in God and his love made their mission successful

  Jesus told the disciples follow me 
  And they, all the Apostles followed Jesus 
  To catch the souls for the Kingdom of God 
  Lord, same way you called these fisher men 

  They could not wait for anything except to fulfill His mission
  To save the lives of the poor, rich, elderly, children and babes
  I have cried when I saw one fisher man was kneeling in the water 
  To make his back as a step for women and children for climbing to the boat 

  One family of twelve shared they have seen the fisher men
  In the boat rushing to their drowned house to save them
  They took all of them and rushing to the relief camp
  To get them the shelter to rest, food and water 

 The fisher men seen the dead bodies floating in the water
 They told this family to bend their head downward 
 For not to showing them the dead bodies floating in the waters
 The family were saved and reached the camp

 The man in the family asked their name and contact number,
 They said friend, we have many are there to save 
 Please let us go fast to save others as much as we can 
 If God allows we will meet again 

 Here we see the heart of the fishermen,
 People offered them money, reward,
 But they said they don't need that 
 They told them, they need only respect in the society at least 

 What a sacrifice is this! Which never seen before 
 They were thrown themselves into the water
 They were rushed to save the old and young to safer places
 Surely and absolutely it's a God's work 

 All our youth in Kerala and neighbor states have worked together
 To save the lives of the flooded areas 
 They all worked closely hand in hand
 They never thought about their religion or caste and rich or poor

 Lord, we thank you for listening our prayers 
 You have strengthened our heart and mind
 You have given us the consolation in the midst of flooded water
 Our most of the near and loved ones got their life back 

 We pray for those who have worked hard 
 And for our government bodies the NGOs 
 Lord, we pray for all of their families 
 And praying for those who lost their life in this mission 

 Lord, pray for those families of your fisher men
 We pray for those whom lost their near and loved ones
 How can we forget you for shutting the doors of rain l
 Lord you tested our faith and your all faithful are trust in you

Mohny P

Community of Grace

Sunday, March 18, 2018

When I love Jesus Poem 36

When I love Jesus, my Lord
He give me small pains
To make me not to be proud

When I sin, he consoles me
He leads me to ask his forgiveness
And he invite me to reconciliation

When I not love him
He leads me to repent
And he invite me to his presence

When I love him
He guides me into silence
To speak to me in secretly

When I love him
He asks me to reflect on him
He gives me endless hours to be with Him

When I love him
He makes me to know him
More and more and he reveals me

When I love him
He do marvelous things
And He embrace me

When I love him
He leads me to glorify him
He guides me to praise him

When I love him
He makes me to love others
Even to love my enemies

When I love him
He is very happy
He starts to speak me

When I love him
He guides me to others
To know their miseries
And to advice them in His name

When I love him
He do miracles
The most beautiful miracle
Of His presence in the Eucharist

I love the Holy Mass
When a Holy Priest sacrifice the Mass
Oh Jesus I love you in the form of the most Tiny Bread

When I am hungry
He feeds me
With His Word and the Word in flesh

Lord, how can I pay back to you
All of these wonders and wealth
You Endowed to me day after day

Lord, I trust in you
I thank you for all the blessings
You gave me till this evening of my life

Mohny P 

Community of Grace 

The Word of Life

  On 15th Feb 2025   Meditating the Words of Jesus from Holy Scriptures  Lord teach us, how to be poor in spirit  Jesus was giving his sermo...